
This website was designed as a final project for a course in data visualization at the University of Oregon (EDLD652). This website and the visualizations were created in R, using the distill package for blog websites and the ggplot2 package for plotting. The theme for the website was inspired by the OkabeIto color palette from the colorblindr package. The purpose of this project is to describe which behaviors people judge as rude on airplanes, and which factors (e.g., regional norms, personal qualities) may contribute to these judgments. To navigate to data visualizations, click on the chart icon (right side of the navigation bar).

Data source

The data for this project were collected online by FiveThiryEight in late August, 2014. The researchers asked the survey takers whether or not they thought certain airplane behaviors were rude. The behaviors included are moving to an unsold seat, talking to a neighbor, reclining your seat, asking someone to switch seats to sit by friends, asking someone to switch seats to sit by family, waking up a neighbor to go to the bathroom, waking up a neighbor to walk around, bringing a baby, and bringing an unruly child. The researchers also inquired whether or not respondents had done these behaviors themselves. For all visualizations, people who responded that they had never traveled by plane before were excluded.


In each grid, there are 100 boxes. The darker shaded boxes represent the number of people out of 100 in the sample who fall under the title category. For example, about 28% of people in the sample noted that they travel frequently, so 28 boxes are shaded darker. This allows you to quickly take in information about the attributes of the participants in the sample.